AK Anna Lucia
AK Anna Lucia is a stunning 2010 grey filly by AK Fazeer out of AK Judea (by Syringa Fadhilal). In 2015, as a junior horse, "Annie" competed in the Southeast SK Dressage series (Western Style Dressage Association of Canada) and was Champion Walk-Trot horse and Reserve Champion Introductory Level. She also earned the high score in Western Dressage at the Saskatchewan Arabian Horse Association and Regina District Dressage Association Icebreaker show and was 1st of 5 entries in Classical Dressage Walk-Trot Test D at the Westman Dressage Fall Festival. Annie is Tracey's main show horse and we are very excited to see her develop her Dressage potential!
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AK Fazeer Dam

AK Judea